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The Perfect Goal Setting Book for Your Child: Moby Play the Flute

Teaching kids how to set goals is a critical skill in life, which Moby teaches in our goal setting book, Moby Plays the Flute.

In this fun children's book, the main character, Moby, isn't really interested in setting goals or accomplishing anything; however, through a special gift from her father, she learns how to persevere through hard times and achieve success. After reading this fun story with your child, you can discuss goals they have and help them plan for success using our goal setting book!

girl with parent smiling learning about The Perfect Goal Setting Book for Your Child

You want your children to be successful in life, don’t you? Of course, you do! And one of the best ways to set them up for success is to teach them how to set goals. Goal setting is an important skill that will help your children throughout their lives. It will teach them how to take control of their lives, set priorities, and make plans.

There are all sorts of goals your children can set, from short-term goals like saving up for a new toy to long-term goals like planning for their future careers. Teaching your children how to set goals now will help them immensely as they grow up and face more challenging tasks.

illustration of Moby laying on bed with gift from her father waiting on her from The Perfect Goal Setting Book for Your Child

Here are some of the benefits of teaching your children how to set goals:

1. It will help them take control of their lives

One of the main benefits of goal setting is that it will help your children take control of their lives. They will learn that they are in charge of their own lives and that they have the power to make things happen.

2. It will teach them how to set priorities

Another benefit of goal setting is that it will teach your children how to set priorities. They will learn that they need to focus on the most important things in their lives and let go of the things that are not as important.

3. It will help them make plans

Goal setting will also help your children make plans. They will learn how to break down their goals into smaller, more manageable pieces. This will help them immensely as they grow up and have to face more challenging tasks.

4. It will help them stay motivated

Setting goals can help kids stay motivated because it gives them something to work towards. Having a goal to work towards can help them stay focused and on track. It can also help them to feel proud of themselves when they accomplish their goal.

Moby Plays the Flute teaches kids the importance of having goals. Our interactive storybook allows kids to learn with Moby as she learns about perseverance and goal setting, and our Goal Setting Book allows kids to plan out their own goals and track their success!

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