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Derek Moreland

“Monsters are only as scary as you want them to be.”

Derek Moreland's childhood was fueled by a love for dinosaurs, monsters, and iconic stories like "The Monster at the End of This Book" and "Where the Wild Things Are," influences that remain with him. Breakfasts with Count Chocula and GREMLINS marathons set the stage for a lifelong fascination. In junior high, he was captivated by legends like Bigfoot, Mothman, and Nessie, dreaming of becoming a cryptozoologist. Today, Derek indulges in Godzilla, Frankenstein, and Creature From the Black Lagoon films, all while crafting his own unique monsters.

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Author Derek Moreland

A Life Immersed in the Marvelously Macabre

Derek Moreland, lover of all things eerie and extraordinary, shares his monster fascination with young and old alike, with Triceratops leading his dinosaur favorites. In Texas, alongside his wife, pets, and a vast 7,000 comic collection, Derek writes across genres, featured in notable publications and anthologies. Dive into his monster-filled world at, support him on Patreon, and follow @Shmonstermaker on socials for your daily dose of the weird and wonderful.

Shmonster Collection

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