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Alisha Burton

"Not all who wander are lost." - Talkien

Alisha is a talented writer who discovered her passion for writing at a young age. Her father's encouragement to read and write helped her develop her skills. Alisha now lives in Guatemala with her family and enjoys exploring new places, spending time in nature, and cooking delicious food. Her love for Lewis Carol's "Alice in Wonderland" speaks to her curious nature and imagination.

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A Journey Through Imagination

Alisha Burton, a gifted writer since age 10, continues to flourish creatively from New York to Guatemala, where she enjoys adventures with her family. Inspired by her father and a beloved collection of classics like "Alice in Wonderland," Alisha aims to spark imagination and convey hope, acceptance, and love in her stories, inviting readers on a joyful journey of self-discovery and endless possibilities.

Trevor's Collection

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