Jan 16, 20232 min

Parenting the Neurodiverse: Neurodivergent Meaning in the World Today

As a parent of a neurodiverse individual, you may be wondering about the neurodivergent meaning and where it came from. As our world changes, so does the way we parent. In the past, parents raising neurodiverse children were often left to their own devices, with little support or information. Today, however, there is a growing understanding of neurodiversity and how to best support neurodiverse children.

The term “neurodiversity” was coined in the early 1990s by autistic activist Judy Singer, and simply refers to the fact that there is great diversity in the way brains process information. Just as there is great diversity in the way people’s bodies look and function, there is great diversity in the way brains look and function. And just as we celebrate diversity in the physical world, we should celebrate diversity in the neurological world.

Neurodiversity is a relatively new concept, and it is still being defined. However, it is already having a significant impact on the way we think about learning and intelligence.

Neurodiversity is a term that is used to refer to the range of ways that brains can work. This includes all the different ways that brains can learn, think, and process information. It is a term that is used to celebrate the diversity of brain types and to acknowledge that all brains are valuable and have something to contribute.

The neurodiverse community includes people with conditions such as ADHD, dyslexia, autism, and Tourette's syndrome. It also includes people who do not fit neatly into any one category.

Neurodiversity is a natural variation in the human population and should be recognized and respected as such. It is important to remember that there is no “normal” brain and that all brain types are equally valuable.

Sadly, neurodiverse individuals have often been viewed as “defective” or “broken,” and have been subjected to attempts at “cure” or “fixing.” This has led to great harm and has served to further alienate and marginalize these individuals. It is important to remember that neurodiversity is not a problem to be solved, but rather a natural part of human diversity.

The concept of neurodiversity is still evolving, but it is already having a positive impact on the way we think about learning and intelligence.

Today, there is a growing understanding of the value of neurodiversity, and of the importance of supporting neurodiverse individuals. This is particularly important for parents of neurodiverse children, who often face challenges and hurdles that other parents do not.